Todavía no se ha acabado el verano pero ya estamos todas con la cabeza en el otoño, los nuevos colores y las nuevas texturas...pero qué pasa con las bodas y otros eventos de etiqueta que son en verano pero tenemos que taparnos los hombros, o que hace frío porque es por la noche en el exterior? Hoy quiero hablar del dilema que todas hemos tenido alguna vez, ¿¿¿qué me pongo encima de este vestido!!!
It is still summer but we all have the head full of new season colors, textures...but what does it happen when we have to attend dressing-up events like weddings in the coming weeks, when already cool in the evenings? Today, I want to talk about the dilemma we all have had some time, what to wear over this dress???
It is still summer but we all have the head full of new season colors, textures...but what does it happen when we have to attend dressing-up events like weddings in the coming weeks, when already cool in the evenings? Today, I want to talk about the dilemma we all have had some time, what to wear over this dress???
A mí personalmente me gustan poco los típicos chales rígidos de señora mayor en mismo tono que el vestido, no por favor! Hay muchas otras opciones, más o menos formales, que pueden dar el toque final al outfit sin deslucir la etiqueta. Yo eligiría alguna de estas:
Personally, I don't like the typical and stiff shawls, old-fashioned, same dress tone, please not! There are many other options, more or less formal, but they can give the final touch up to the ensemble.
Personally, I don't like the typical and stiff shawls, old-fashioned, same dress tone, please not! There are many other options, more or less formal, but they can give the final touch up to the ensemble.
- Blazer ligera: es una prenda comodín para todo tipo de outfits. Elígela en materiales delicados, finos y con cuello esmoquín para mayor sofisticación. Para vestidos largos, la clásica chaqueta negra de esmoquín es perfecta! Para los vestidos de cocktail juega con los colores, puedes ir monocolor o en total contraste.
- Light Blazer: it is the jocker garment for every kind of outfits. This time, go for thin, soft and delicate fabrics, with tuxedo-cut for high sophistiscation. For maxi dresses, go for the classic and perfect black tuxedo jacket! For cocktail dresses, you can choose brighter colors, same or contrast tones.
- Light Blazer: it is the jocker garment for every kind of outfits. This time, go for thin, soft and delicate fabrics, with tuxedo-cut for high sophistiscation. For maxi dresses, go for the classic and perfect black tuxedo jacket! For cocktail dresses, you can choose brighter colors, same or contrast tones.
- Chaqueta de seda y/o pailletes: aprovechando que los kimonos están tan de moda tenemos la solución perfecta para llevar sobre un vestido de boda. Los hay de materiales ricos y estampados muy apropiados para alegrar un look sobrio. Atrévete con algo de brillo si el evento es 100% nocturno. (Además ambos son muy ponibles en clave casual)
- Silk or sequin jacket: thanks that kimono jackets are very on fashion now, we have the perfect solution to wear over a night dress. You can choose those of rich fabrics or with big prints, very recommendable to cheer up a sober dress. Dare with something bright if the event is 100% night. (Tip: you can perfectly use them in a casual way afterwards!)
- Silk or sequin jacket: thanks that kimono jackets are very on fashion now, we have the perfect solution to wear over a night dress. You can choose those of rich fabrics or with big prints, very recommendable to cheer up a sober dress. Dare with something bright if the event is 100% night. (Tip: you can perfectly use them in a casual way afterwards!)
- Chaqueta de punto delicado: lo reconozco, no me habría planteado esta posibilidad de no ser por la chaquetita de angora que lució la mismísima Kate en su boda, me encantó por ser algo inesperado, me recuerda a las de niñas pequeñas y ese toque naïf me gusta. Aprende de Alexa y de nuestra princesa, que saben relajar un outfit con un delicado cardigan.
- Soft knit cardigan: I admit I wouldn't think about this choice until I saw the sweet mohair cardigan that Kate wore over her wed night dress. I fell in love with it because it was something surprising, it reminds me to those I wore when I was a child. You should learn from Alexa and our Princess, they know well how to relax an outfit with a soft cardigan.
- Mantón: me gusta más esta opción un poco más exótica que la del típico chal a juego del vestido. Es importante saber llevarlo sin que sea un incordio, y sobre todo tener en cuenta que si eres bajita y te queda excesivamente largo, te puede acortar la figura. En esto hay que aprender de Kate, Elle o la elegante Inés Sastre. Mucho mejor con vestido largos.
- Shawl: I like this in an exotic way rather than the traditional one. It's important to know how to wear it without being uncomfortable, and be careful if you're petite, it can make you look shorter if it is too long. Look first how Kate, Elle and the elegant Inés Sastre wear it. Better with maxi dresses.
- Shawl: I like this in an exotic way rather than the traditional one. It's important to know how to wear it without being uncomfortable, and be careful if you're petite, it can make you look shorter if it is too long. Look first how Kate, Elle and the elegant Inés Sastre wear it. Better with maxi dresses.
- Foulard oversize: para looks más desenfadados aunque vayas de boda, sobre todo si eres muy joven y no quieres parecer muy vestida es una muy buena opción. Pero ojo! no lo lleves como si fuera un mantón o un chal tradicional, dale un aire más juvenil como hace Cameron. Y enroscado junto al bolso de mano cuando ya no lo necesites.
- Oversize scarf: for more easy going looks, though you are going to a wedding, specially if you are very young and don't want to look overdressed. But be careful, don't wear it like a traditional shawl, add your personal youthful touch as Cameron does. Carry it rolled in your hand together with your clutch.
- Oversize scarf: for more easy going looks, though you are going to a wedding, specially if you are very young and don't want to look overdressed. But be careful, don't wear it like a traditional shawl, add your personal youthful touch as Cameron does. Carry it rolled in your hand together with your clutch.
Qué soléis poneros para este tipo de eventos de pre-temporada?
What do you wear in this kind of pre-fall events?
Pictures: 2threaths, omaru, hydesociety, fab sugar, my peeptoes, charhadas, en el vestidor, polyvore.